FTV Jewellery Store: Sparkle and Shine with Our Exquisite Collection


The FTV Jewelry store is a state of the art jewelry store with an in-house grooming service. We aspire to become the leading merchant of luxury jewelry in the country. We cater to the needs of our customers first and that is set in stone. Our services include Jewelry repair, Ring Sizing, Stone replacement, Jewelry appraisal, Jewelry cleaning and Rhodium plating. We pride ourselves on possessing a whole manifold of services that bring out the best look on you and your stones.

jewellery appraisal

A Jewelry appraisal is an integral process because it determines the dexterity and value of a stone or a metal. At the “Ftv Jewelry Store” we have recruited certified professionals for this process to suit all 27 types of appraisals.


jewellery cleaning

At “FTV Jewelry Store”, we provide ultrasonic cleaning to remove tarnish from your gems and pull out the contaminants from the object.


rhodium plating

The biggest drawing point in jewelry is it’s shelf life and shine, without Rhodium plating these gems start depreciating at a faster rate. Rhodium plating provides the perfect protective barrier for your treasured pieces.

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