All Jewellery related Services under one roof - FashionTV


jewellery repair

Just like every manufactured product even Jewelry faces wear and tear as a result of normal aging. In order to keep your timeless classics looking chic for life we have recruited the best artisans in the Jewelry Industry.


jewellery appraisal

A Jewelry appraisal is an integral process because it determines the dexterity and value of a stone or a metal. At the “Ftv Jewelry Store” we have recruited certified professionals for this process to suit all 27 types of appraisals.


ring sizing

Engagement rings have a rich meaning and symbolism behind them designed to last a lifetime. Since it’s a good guess that you plan to be together forever, it only makes sense that your ring size is spot on.


jewellery cleaning

At “FTV Jewelry Store”, we provide ultrasonic cleaning to remove tarnish from your gems and pull out the contaminants from the object.


rhodium plating

The biggest drawing point in jewelry is it’s shelf life and shine, without Rhodium plating these gems start depreciating at a faster rate. Rhodium plating provides the perfect protective barrier for your treasured pieces.
